Turpin adds CFO responsibilities to his role as VP – Civic Investing for Ambassador Enterprises
Sep 23 2021
NEI Leaders help kick off Ambassador Institute for Civic Engagement

Exclusive cohort of ten members representing seven northeast Indiana counties attends the inaugural AICE program designed to identify, train, and equip emerging civic leaders.
For Immediate Release
Fort Wayne, IN – September 23, 2021 – The Ambassador Institute for Civic Engagement (AICE), established by Ambassador Enterprises, convened the first of its four sessions on September 10, 2021, with a select cohort of ten emerging northeast Indiana leaders.
AICE is designed to identify, train, and equip emerging civic leaders in northeast Indiana with a heart for public service and a philosophy of responsible, responsive government. The inaugural session introduced municipal and county government topics presented by notable state and local elected leaders.
“Every thriving community has a ‘triangle’ working together to accomplish big goals: the philanthropic and religious community, the business community, and government. To help build this triangle for northeast Indiana, we want to emphasize the important role of servant-leaders in civic life and the need to increase citizen participation and engagement,” says Ron Turpin, Ambassador Enterprises CFO and VP of Civic Engagement. “Through the AICE program, members will gain a better understanding of how local and state government works, identify the roles their leadership serves best, and how to build and run a successful campaign.”
“We often see first-time candidates for state or local office, or citizens serving on important government boards, who have no idea how government is funded or where the money goes,” states David Long, former Indiana State Senator. “A key goal of AICE is to rectify this problem by providing knowledge to those who want to become engaged in their community through elected office or while serving as appointments to critical, decision-making entities. Our pupils are intentionally diverse, both geographically and individually, to ensure we are reaching citizens within the entire 11 county region of northeast Indiana.”
The next session, scheduled for Friday, October 8, 2021, will cover State and School Board governance.
About Ambassador Enterprises
Ambassador Enterprises, a locally-based legacy-minded private equity firm investing for three returns—eternal, cultural, and financial, engages with leaders and organizations committed to creating lasting, positive impact on people and communities. Ambassador Enterprises and its affiliates account for over $1 billion in annualized revenue and more than 2,800 employees committed to cultivating a legacy grounded in partners, performance, and philanthropy.
Media Contact
Ringo Santiago
Ambassador Enterprises
(260) 487-4000